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A Taste of My Own Medicine
My 9 year-old daughter and I are both huge fan of Sara Bareilles (singer-songwriter, actress, creator of the Broadway musical Waitress)....
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Parents! Take Care of Yourself!
This afternoon, I said to my husband, “I need to write a blog post but I am not feeling very inspired.” He hugged me and suggested that’s...
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What About Our Feelings?
“Is it okay to cry in front of my kids?” “Will it scare my kids if I tell them I’m feeling anxious?” “I don’t want to worry my children...
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Finding Some Peace
How is your self regulation these days? So many parents (and children) are really struggling to stay calm in the chaos that is life these...
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What We Learned from Distance Learning this week…
Tomorrow, we start our ninth week of distance learning and the lessons for our entire family continue to present themselves each day. For...
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Feeling Left Out
One of my favorite parenting authors, Heather Shumaker, introduced me to her phrase “We need to take off our adult lens” and it has...
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One of my frequent refrains in both workshops and private peaceful parenting coaching sessions is “Stop talking!” The truth is we parents...
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A Little Story About Listening
I want you to think about how you felt the last time you sat down with a good friend and poured your heart out to them. Maybe it was over...
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Why I Do What I Do
People often ask me why I am became a social worker. Of course, there’s many reasons why I wanted to help people - part of it is just who...
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One of my favorite questions to ask parents in parenting coaching sessions is “How do you think your child felt in that moment?” This...
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Creating A Better Morning Routine
One of my most frequently asked questions is how to improve mornings - whether it's getting out of the house or navigating drop-offs at...
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Four Agreements for Parenting
I remember the first time I read Don Miguel Ruiz’s book “The Four Agreements”. It was recently out and was getting a lot of buzz. Oprah...
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Minding Our Expectations
Recently I was out to dinner with my daughter on a date. The restaurant we went to is very family friendly and had a great play area for...
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The Nuclear Option
Now that the winter holidays have come to a close, I’m taking a look at all of the similar challenges a variety of families have brought...
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What If It’s An Opportunity Rather An Obligation?
During a yoga class recently, the teacher shared a mantra which I immediately applied to my practice as it was so helpful. She invited us...
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Stop, Drop, and Breathe!
One of my favorite tools for self regulation comes from my mentor, Dr. Laura Markham. She suggests we stop, drop our agenda, and breathe...
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Welcoming Feelings
Welcoming tears is a new concept for most of us. Tears are often not welcomed in our culture, our communities, or in our families. We...
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The Best Podcasts for Kids!
Quite often, I consider going back to a flip phone (do they even make them anymore?) because I wonder if smartphones do more harm than...
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The Case of Accidental Empathy
The grocery store nearest our house has my daughter’s favorite carts. There are standard shopping carts with an addition at the front...
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What is parenting coaching?!
It has been my experience that parenting is the hardest job there is! I know that is also true of the parents I work with and others I...
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